Durability testing (f.e. ISO 10328)

Durability testing as a service

Our 'Mover' durability testing platform is a flexible testing platform for force- and position-driven tests. It enables static and dynamic tests to be carried out quickly and cost-effectively. All relevant data such as forces and displacements, temperatures and angular movements can be logged. Appropriate testing adapters for your product can be realized at short notice. A comprehensive report is part of every test.

Tests are performed against relevant standard(s), such as ISO 10328:2016 or ISO 22675:2016, to verify the structural durability of the design. Many of these standards do not assess the functional performance of the medical device in question. For example, if a knee hinge is tested for durability according to ISO 10328, the knee hinge is not bent at all in the process. Hence, functional testing is an essential part of product development. Move Engineering has extensive experience in defining and implementing functional tests based on the actual use of the device.

  • Tests up to 7kN possible
  • Test frequency up to 10Hz
  • Test amplitude up to 200mm
  • Sample height up to 700mm
  • Standards include ISO10328, ISO22675

  • What to expect

    • Clear test plan with test duration and expected costs
    • Smooth execution of tests
    • Freely configurable logging of test data
    • Comprehensive test report with photo documentation

    Your own test machine

    Our flexible 'Mover' test machine platform makes it easy to create your own test setup for force- and road-testing. With this  you can give your product development a clear boost. This makes sense especially then, if you need a lot of test capacity or if you want to be able to take immediate follow-up steps based on the test results. Not having to send test samples and being able to react immediately to the results of a test can clearly accelerate your development process.
    We work with modular systems and on the basis of a flexible software platform, so that your wishes can be realized quickly. Please contact us about the possibilities.

  • Tests up to 7kN (220V) or 17kN (380V)
  • Test frequency up to 10Hz
  • Amplitude up to 200mm
  • Sample height up to 700mm

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